๐ณ Credit Card Emoji
Technical Details
SVG Code
<svg width="128" height="128" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <text x="64" y="64" font-size="96" text-anchor="middle" dominant-baseline="middle" font-family="serif" >๐ณ</text> </svg>
Emoji Meaning
A rectangular, plastic credit card with a chip and a series of numbers along the bottom. The card is typically depicted in a light blue or gray color, symbolizing financial transactions and payment methods. Official Unicode designation is 'CREDIT CARD,' representing monetary transactions and financial instruments.
Common Uses
- Indicating payment methods: 'We accept all major credit cards ๐ณ'
- Referring to financial transactions: 'Just paid the bill with my credit card ๐ณ'
- Informing about a new card: 'Got a new credit card ๐ณ with better rewards!'
Example Sentences
- Please ensure your credit card ๐ณ is valid before booking the flight.
- I used my credit card ๐ณ to buy the latest gadget online.
- She showed me her new credit card ๐ณ with a shiny metal finish.